Tuesday, 27 September 2016

26/09/16 - Lesson 1

At my first lecture today, I was introduced to my module and what it entails. I found the details of the module to be very interesting as well as very exciting. I hope that this module will help me develop my skills in drawing and any further new skills. After the introduction, we paired up together and this gave me a chance to meet the people on my course. After drawing portraits of each other, this allowed me to test my skills of observational drawing. Looking at everyone else’s work made me feel slightly anxious as I felt that I wouldn’t be as good as everyone else. However, I did enjoy being able to experiment with tonal work. In addition to this, we were given multiple drawing tasks; drawing semi-blind, drawing under quick time etc. The part where we had to draw under two minutes was quite pressurizing as I couldn’t put in all the detail on the face that I wanted to. I could see a lot of errors in my drawings such as the shaping of the face and eyes as well as the shading that goes into it. This could be something that I can improve on in the future to make my observational drawing much sharper and accurate.

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