Monday, 28 November 2016

28/11/16 - Lesson 9

In today's lesson, we went to the Museum in town to do observational drawings with dry media. We had to draw things that we 'nature' and 'man made' which concerned me a little since I didn't think I could find anything that I could draw well but as it turns out, I was pleased with some of my outcomes. I think that the glass baubles is my favourite drawing because of the beautiful colours I used, thanks to the oil pastels. The shoes looked very nice with the shading and charcoal and in addition, they don't levitate off the page as I added in the shadows on the ground. I liked the fact that I used charcoal to create the reflection of the glass cabinets as it makes the whole drawing more realistic.

As for the man made objects, I thought that the three baubles would be nice into a combined landscape image as I think they are very delicate man-made objects and they are very interesting to draw. However, I later added two more man made objects and kept the bauble portrait as one man made object. The soldiers clothing really appealed to me due to their style.

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