Monday, 30 January 2017

Lesson 1 - 30/01/17

In today's lesson, we were looking at each other's work that we did over the Christmas break. I found my feedback to be very positive from my classmates which was nice to hear as I am not usually that confident in my work. My use of colour was highly praised as well as incorporating my own style into the sketches and drawings.The key aspect that I need to work on is my proportions as that does tend to cause problems with my drawings sometimes.

In the next part of the lesson, we were looking at Tableaux Vivant, which is a picturesque grouping of persons or objects. We got into groups and attempted to pose that told certain stories. In my group, we focused on gossip, where we all looked suspicious of each other and it was very hard to keep the pose for twenty minutes. As we then attempted to draw the other group, the timing tended to be an issue as I can't draw that fast but with some encouragement, I was able to complete the task. The end result was actually good but of course, my proportions were a little off again which I need to work on.

Jeff Wall: I find his photography work to be quite interesting, especially 'The Destroyed Wall' which shows a messy room that has several ways that it could have been destroyed. His work is also considered controversial which also intrigues me. 

Vanessa Beecroft: Her work focuses around the female body and femininity and often has models, clothed or naked to pose in certain ways. I find her work interesting but it isn't something that I would like to draw or study per say. 

Gregory Crewdson: I absolutely love his photography work as they create so many narrative with the elements in the pictures. They create an ominous atmosphere and also an enigma and if I could, I would love to try to duplicate one or more of his pictures as an outcome as I love anything to so with horror. 

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