Monday, 27 February 2017

Lesson 5 - 27/02/17

In this week's lesson, we were drawing the model again but this time with props of three dimensional shapes. This was a good practice lesson for me as I want to get better at tonal work as well as drawing the space around the model. The first few warm ups were alright as I was attempting to not only draw the people but the space around them, which was tricky at first but I did get the hang of it. We then moved onto the model and the objects around her. My first attempt was successful aside from her facial expression and the proportions are actually on point which was pleasing. However, my next attempt wasn't as the head was bigger than the whole body itself. I did keep it though as the shading was good and it shows my development for my portfolio. The last drawing on here is probably the best one that I've done as the shading is excellent but the whole image does look slightly cropped which is something I could work on. 

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