Monday, 10 October 2016

10/10/16 - Lesson 3

In today's lesson, we did more nude figure drawings, but this time, we were looking more at the proportion, where we had to get the size right. We measured the figure by using our pencils to mark out the arms, legs etc onto the paper. I found this to be much easier than just doing a drawing at any size and just drawing straight out since marking and planning is so much better. I feel as if my skills have really developed this lesson and I look forward to going into deeper detail with foreshortening next week. The top image here is my favourite as I feel that I really captured the angle of the model well and that all her body parts are the right size thanks to the new measuring technique we were taught. The only problem with the image is that it isn't big enough, which is something I definitely want to work on as we draw more nude figure drawings.

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