Thursday, 6 October 2016

3/10/16 - Lesson 2 (Homework)

We were all given the task of drawing four household items in a negative space. I drew a mug, a perfume bottle, a teapot and a pop bottle. I drew two of them in normal pencils, one in charcoal and one in pen. It was interesting to draw items in a negative space and I feel as if it helped me with my observational skills. My favourite drawing here has to be the perfume bottle as the line work with pen on it really brings out the shading and angle of the bottle. I wanted to use something else besides pencil and charcoal in the drawings as it gives my work a wider variety of techniques. The Batman mug is probably my least favourite since the actual mug is the colour black and I can still see the pencil markings when I tried to shade it in with charcoal and doesn't look realistic enough.

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