Wednesday, 19 October 2016

17/10/16 - Lesson 4 (Homework)

For today's homework, we were given the task of drawing five objects in our hands. The positions I chose were varied and to be honest, it was very hard to find a position that I could draw well but I did manage to find some I could do. I used a wide range of materials so that they all didn't look the same or boring for that matter. I used, water-colours, charcoal, pencil, water-colour pencil and acrylic. Some materials worked better than others. The water-colour pencil is probably the weakest one since it didn't come out that well but I wanted to use coloured pencil to experiment this time rather than pen, like I always use. The plain pencil is my favourite one since it is very detailed and all of the joints are in the correct place with the right amount of shading. 

I feel that each drawing does represent something in a sort of narrative.

PENCIL DRAWING: It represents my passion for drawing in all forms and the pencil also represents that I do like the traditional way of drawing with a pencil than using all kinds of new materials. It tells the story of how much I have loved to draw throughout my life.

CHARCOAL DRAWING: This drawing represents me having fun with only simple objects rather than technology. The charcoal represents how dull creativity has gotten in today's society since everyone is so absorbed in technology. 

WATER-COLOUR DRAWING: This drawing shows that I enjoy using technology for amusement like watching YouTube, going on Facebook and games like Angry Birds. The iPod uses colour but the background is dull since technology is overwhelming. This tells the story of not only me but society as well. 

ACRYLIC DRAWING: This drawing shows that I like using coloured card to make beautiful creations, like paper-cut portraits. The colour shows that I like to use bright and cheerful colours rather than gloomy and dark ones. 

WATER-COLOUR PENCIL DRAWING: This drawing shows that I often use glue in my work to also make more creations like collographs. There is no real symbolism behind the water-colour pencils since I used it to experiment with. I don't like the outcome that well so I think I'd stick to plain pen next time since I am better at using it.

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